"Silence of the Tides" - a poetic cinema documentary about the impressive universe of the world's largest marshland: the Wadden Sea. To the rhythm of the ebb and flow of the tide, "Silence of the Tides" tells of the Wadden Sea, of the people and nature that shape this extraordinary region. From Den Helder in the Netherlands via the East Frisian coasts to Skallingen in Denmark stretches a collection of islands and communities, each with its own character, its own special features. But they are all part of the Wadden Sea, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site for 20 years.
"Silence of the Tides" - a poetic cinema documentary about the impressive universe of the world's largest marshland: the Wadden Sea. To the rhythm of the ebb and flow of the tide, "Silence of the Tides" tells of the Wadden Sea, of the people and nature that shape this extraordinary region. From Den Helder in the Netherlands via the East Frisian coasts to Skallingen in Denmark stretches a collection of islands and communities, each with its own character, its own special features. But they are all part of the Wadden Sea, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site for 20 years.