In a distant future, humanity has abandoned Earth, leaving behind a once-vibrant planet now teeming with mysteries and beauty. Amidst this tranquil desolation, we meet Lobo, an exuberant robot whose heart brims with affection for the planet's animals and plant life.
But fate has a curious sense of timing, for on a seemingly ordinary day, Lobo's path intersects with a magnificent creature—a stranded whale, left helpless on a forgotten beach. The challenge that unfolds before Lobo is monumental: to rescue this majestic being, he must confront his deepest dread—water, the very substance that could turn him to rust with a mere droplet.
In a distant future, humanity has abandoned Earth, leaving behind a once-vibrant planet now teeming with mysteries and beauty. Amidst this tranquil desolation, we meet Lobo, an exuberant robot whose heart brims with affection for the planet's animals and plant life.
But fate has a curious sense of timing, for on a seemingly ordinary day, Lobo's path intersects with a magnificent creature—a stranded whale, left helpless on a forgotten beach. The challenge that unfolds before Lobo is monumental: to rescue this majestic being, he must confront his deepest dread—water, the very substance that could turn him to rust with a mere droplet.